<aside> 💡 What is PlanckerDAO?

Plancker^ serves as a collaborative space dedicated to the Ethereum ecosystem, offering communication, education, treasure, and various resources to developers, product engineers, and researchers. Together, we are committed to building along the Ethereum roadmap, contributing to a digital future for all of humanity.

PlanckerDAO Mission

Onboard, bridge, and empower committed global Chinese builders in the Ethereum ecosystem, growing Ethereum with a long-term perspective.



时间: November 20, 2023 4:00 PM (GMT+8)

地点:zoom会议 https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87624450925?pwd=cVhrVWVKVTdyN29NS1gwSGJ6TytGQT09#success


  1. 普朗克周治理会议由运营小组负责组织;主持人采用轮值制。
  2. 周会开放,各小组核心成员尽量出席(需保证至少有人Updates)。
  3. 为保障网络体验,会议在Zoom会议开展。
  4. 会前准备
    1. 会议提前发文档。
    2. 分享人提前撰写发言提纲
    3. 会议补充材料请放在本页面下方的相关材料部分
  5. 会议原则
    1. 控制好时间


    2. 分享和讨论,做到发言简洁、扼要。



@Anne Jiang
